TGM Kanis Turbinen GmbH is a global manufacturer of high-quality steam turbines, steam turbine sets, auxiliary equipment and mechanical drives.
Our endeavour to achieve maximum customer satisfaction through first-class quality of our products and technologies, qualified employees, effective and safe processes is a decisive factor in our success.

We love to exceed our customers' expectations with our enthusiasm and commitment.
We are a professionally acting medium-sized company, acting fast and flexible due to short decision processes and flat hierarchies.
We think in a solution-oriented and pragmatic manner, are courageous and decisive and therefore react fast and goal-oriented in the interests of our business partners and employees.
We identify ourselves with the company values and appreciate the mutual loyalty between employees and company management.
We assume and we are given responsibility for our actions towards all interested parties.
We rely on employees who live their own values and convictions authentically and with integrity and who enrich us through individuality.
We communicate straight, direct, respectful and recognize everyone´s skills and contribution.
We know that only as a team we can generate a product of outstanding quality, which is why we rely on employees who think beyond their own area in a networked and self responsible manner.
We manufacture durable goods, therefore we always question our thinking and acting concerning sustainability in relation to the products, the environment and the health and development of our employees.

1. Mission statement and corporate principles
The primary objective of TGM Kanis Turbinen GmbH is to operate worldwide as a manufacturer and service provider of high-quality steam turbines, steam turbine sets, auxiliary systems and mechanical drives. Our efforts to achieve maximum customer satisfaction through the first-class quality of our products and technologies, qualified employees and effective and safe processes are a key factor in our success. The improvement of our management systems and the development and enhancement of our products and services are important to us in terms of sustainability. We place the highest value on preserving the environment, environmentally friendly processes, socially responsible action and ethical business principles. We are committed to understanding and meeting the needs and expectations of our stakeholders, ensuring the safety and well-being of our employees and involving them in decision-making.
Our corporate culture is characterized by quality, environmental and safety-conscious action with trusting cooperation, integrity, a sense of responsibility, commitment and mutual respect. The most important principles of conduct and standards for TGM Kanis Turbinen GmbH are summarized in a “Code of Conduct”
​2. Quality management
Our customers set the standard for the quality of our products and services. All of our company's employees strive to exceed customer expectations wherever possible. Our quality standards apply to our products and processes, the qualification and further development of our employees and our dealings with interested parties. This is why promoting a sense of quality and responsibility is a management task at TGM Kanis.
3. Environmental protection., occupational health and safety
The maintenance of a safe, healthy and environmentally friendly working environment for all employees in the office, in the workshop and on the construction site as well as the protection of employees, users and residents of our facilities is the top priority in the design of our manufacturing processes.
​4. Responsibility
The executive management of TGM Kanis Turbinen GmbH is committed to providing all necessary resources to fulfill the requirements and continuously improve our integrated management system. It considers opportunities and risks in the strategic orientation of the company and regularly evaluates the targets set with regard to sustainable implementation and effectiveness.
By complying with the binding corporate policy, all employees of TGM Kanis Turbinen GmbH contribute to the achievement of the objectives and at the same time support the long-term success and sustainability of the company.

We comply with the rules of applicable labour laws. In particular, we ensure fair working conditions, fair remuneration and compliance with the statutory working hours.
Employees are our most important asset. In addition to the quality of our products and services and economic success, the safety and health of our employees are an equally important corporate goal.
Our social responsibility is also reflected in voluntary services to promote health, a balanced work-life balance, the optimisation of the working environment and the strengthen-ing of employee loyalty.
We respect all rights of our employees.
We treat all people equally, regardless of gender, age, skin color, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, religion, ideology or other personal characteristics.
We promote equal opportunities and do not tolerate discrimination or bullying of any kind.
We reject all forms of forced and child labour.
We respect internationally recognised human rights.
We see ourselves as an active member of society and are therefore involved in various ways, for example in the form of donations to charitable institutions.

Ecological concerns are a matter of concern to us. We are committed to the efficient and responsible use of natural resources.
We are committed to minimizing waste and promoting recycling and reuse.
We respect and protect natural ecosystems and habitats and take measures to preserve biodiversity.
The use of hazardous substances is regularly checked for environmentally friendly substitutes and substituted accordingly.
We use photovoltaic systems and geothermal energy and thus make a significant contribution to protecting the environment.
Our goal is to develop and manufacture products that are safe, save energy and keep the impact on the environment as small as posisible throughout their entire product life cycle.
In addition to efficient process structures and a long-term sustainability strategy, we pay attention to a network of qualified and responsible partners and expect them to comply with the law in their business prac-tices.
Our partners undertake to use environmentally friendly products and processes in their deliveries and services and also in the case of supplies or ancillary services of third parties within the scope of economic and tech-nical possibilities.
Our goal is to at least cover costs on an economic entrepreneurial level. A responsible handling of our finances is mandatory for us.